Naz Hiekali
Naz Hiekali is the Director of Strategic Planning and Operations at Amgen, a prominent biotechnology company.1 Their LinkedIn profile provides some key information about their professional background:
Professional Experience
Naz Hiekali currently holds the position of Director at Amgen.1 This role likely involves overseeing strategic initiatives and operational processes within the company.
Hiekali's educational background includes studying at the University of California, Los Angeles - The Anderson School of Management.1 This prestigious business school suggests a strong foundation in management and business strategy.
Naz Hiekali is based in Los Angeles1, which is consistent with Amgen's significant presence in Southern California.
Their LinkedIn profile indicates a substantial professional network, with over 500 connections.1 This suggests that Hiekali is well-connected within their industry and potentially influential in their field.
It's worth noting that while the LinkedIn username provided is "nassimhiekali," the profile displays the name as "Naz Hiekali." This slight discrepancy between the username and displayed name is not uncommon on professional networking platforms.