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Natasha Ryan D'Amelio

Leadership Development Consultant
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Natasha Ryan D'Amelio is a Leadership Development Consultant and Executive Coach with several years of experience in organizational leadership and business development. She has studied and acquired certifications in Leadership Development, Cultural Transformation, and Business Administration, among others.

As a consultant, she has developed several leadership development programs and designed training sessions structured around team building, leadership, and organizational culture. Natasha has worked with organizations to evaluate their corporate cultures and assessed areas that need improvement. She has facilitated masterminds that enhance productivity, transparency, and accountability in the workplace.

Natasha's professional experience ranges from being a former production coordinator in SQL system development at Kennedy Associates to developing organizational leadership and business operations at a private contractor. Additionally, she has worked as a commercial consultant in marketing and business development at JSH Properties, Inc.

Natasha Ryan D'Amelio is a certified Scrum Master, which underscores her expertise in project management, team building, and leadership skills. Her passion for developing people and organizations is evident in her work, where she sets out to bring out the best in organizations, teams, and people.

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