Molly Clifton
Talent Acquisition Manager at Progeny
Molly Clifton is a Talent Acquisition Manager at Progeny, a company based in Leeds, United Kingdom. Here are some key details about her professional profile:
Professional Role
Molly works as a Talent Manager at Progeny, focusing on recruitment and talent acquisition.2 Her responsibilities likely include:
- Identifying and attracting potential candidates for roles within the company
- Managing the recruitment process
- Assisting with talent development initiatives
Location and Company
- She is based in Leeds, United Kingdom2
- Progeny is her current employer, with offices at 1A Tower Square in Leeds2
Recent Activities
Molly has been involved in some of Progeny's talent development initiatives:
- She announced the relaunch of the Progeny Summer School program in 20233
- This five-day program is designed to offer the next generation insights into various aspects of the business
Professional Reputation
Molly has received positive feedback for her work as a recruiter:
- She has been described as "fantastic" and "a pleasure to work with"1
- She is noted for her ability to understand candidates' strengths and match them with suitable roles1
Contact Information
While specific contact details are not provided here for privacy reasons, Molly can be reached through professional networking platforms using her LinkedIn username: molly-clifton-18501210a.13