Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey is a Digital Specialist at Postmedia Network, where he focuses on leveraging media expertise to enhance business growth through smart marketing strategies. His role includes specializations in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and Website Development.2
Hennessey has built a reputation for being results-driven and data-oriented, emphasizing the importance of measurable outcomes in digital marketing efforts.3 His professional background includes extensive experience in digital marketing and customer engagement, making him a valuable asset to Postmedia as it seeks to navigate the evolving landscape of media and advertising.
In addition to his work at Postmedia, Hennessey has been involved in various initiatives that aim to optimize client visibility and engagement through effective digital strategies. His LinkedIn profile suggests a strong commitment to achieving client success and adapting to the fast-paced changes in the digital marketing sector.13