Mika Mex
Founder von WiseLab - adaptives Lernsystem mit Autorentool
Mika Mex is the Founder and CEO of Wiselab², a company specializing in e-learning solutions.12 He has over ten years of experience as the founder and CEO of Mex IT GmbH.1 Mex is based in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.24
Mex's expertise lies in optimizing sales, employee engagement, and processes within companies through the use of e-learning technologies. Wiselab², under Mex's leadership, focuses on providing adaptive learning systems with authoring tools.3
Mika Mex received his education from FH Südwestfalen Iserlohn.1 He is active on professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn and XING, where he shares insights about his work and company.14