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    Michelle Millard

    Regional Sales Manager at 1stMILE

    Michelle Millard is the Regional Sales Manager at 1stMILE, a company based in the United States.24 She is located in the Greater Sacramento area of California.12 Michelle has over 500 connections on LinkedIn, indicating she is well-networked in her professional sphere.2

    Professional Background

    Michelle's career history includes several notable positions:

    • Regional Sales Manager at 1stMILE (current position)2
    • Vice President / General Manager at Lamar Advertising6
    • National Sales Manager at Richmond Events6
    • IBO (Independent Business Owner) at an unspecified company6


    Michelle Millard attended California State University, Chico (CSU Chico) for her education.2

    Online Presence

    Her LinkedIn profile can be found under the username "michelle-millard-recruiting".2 Michelle appears to be active on LinkedIn, sharing content related to her professional interests.3

    Contact Information

    While specific contact details are not provided here for privacy reasons, it's worth noting that Michelle's professional email is likely associated with her current employer, 1stMILE.5

    Michelle Millard's role as Regional Sales Manager suggests she has significant experience in sales strategy, team leadership, and business development within her industry. Her diverse background in advertising and events, combined with her current position in sales management, indicates a strong track record in sales and marketing across various sectors.


    Apr 3 ·
    Michelle Millard - Age, Phone Number, Address, Contact Info, Public ...

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    How does Michelle Millard's experience compare to other sales managers at 1stMILE?
    Michelle Millard
    Michelle Millard, photo 1
    Michelle Millard, photo 2
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    Greater Sacramento