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Michael Keenan

Special Projects Coordinator at Rock Ventures LLC
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Michael Keenan is an experienced professional with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Oakland University. He has a comprehensive skillset in writing, editing, and social media. Throughout his career, he has worked with a variety of organizations, such as Rock Ventures LLC and WordPress, to name a few. As the Special Projects Coordinator at Rock Ventures LLC, Keenan has shown his dedication to its mission by executing various projects. Keenan has also worked in public relations, writing, social media marketing, vendor analysis, and management. He has garnered expertise in different fields, such as sports writing, landscaping, and recruitment. His diverse set of skills and experiences make Keenan a valuable asset across different sectors.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.