Mercy Setiawan
VP of Corporate Relations - Plug and Play Indonesia
Mercy Setiawan is a professional based in Jakarta, Indonesia, who currently holds the position of VP of Corporate Success at Plug and Play Indonesia.2 Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she has a background in education from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH).2
Professional Experience
In her role at Plug and Play Indonesia, Mercy is involved in various corporate activities:
- She participates in events such as the APAC Summit, where she promoted a GK Plug and Play Showcase.3
- As VP of Corporate Success, she likely plays a key role in fostering relationships between startups and corporations within the Plug and Play ecosystem.
Previous Roles
Before her current position, Mercy Setiawan has held other professional roles, including:
- Account Executive at PT Prisma Purelindo1
- Fashion Merchandiser at PT. Mitra
It's worth noting that Mercy Setiawan appears to be active on LinkedIn, occasionally sharing posts related to her work and professional interests.4