Melissa Hines
CART provider/ Subtitler/Cert. Sign Language Interpreter at Freelance
Melissa Hines is a seasoned professional with a rich background in communication services, including remote captioning, CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation), subtitling, sign language interpreting, and social media coordination.
She currently works as a Remote Captioner at ONE INTERPRETING, leveraging her expertise to provide accurate and timely captioning services.
Previously, Melissa has held various roles in organizations such as Freelance, Louisiana State University, Birnbaum Interpreting Services & Communications Consulting Group, LLC, CaptionAccess, Young Reporting Services, and Hamilton Relay, showcasing her diverse skill set and dedication to accessibility.
Her experience includes serving as a CART provider, certified sign language interpreter, caption writer, social media coordinator, and media and technology manager, demonstrating her versatility and adaptability in the communication field.