Mayura Patankar
Project Development Manager at Adapture Renewables, Inc.
The information provided does not directly match a person named Mayura Patankar working at Adapture Renewables, Inc. However, here are some details about individuals with the name Mayura Patankar found on LinkedIn:
Mayura Patankar at EDF Renewables North America: This individual has experience in Solar (PV) and Battery Energy Storage, but is associated with EDF Renewables North America, not Adapture Renewables, Inc..1
Other Profiles: There are several profiles with the name Mayura Patankar, but none of the provided sources specifically mention someone working at Adapture Renewables, Inc..23
To find the exact person, you would need to search for the specific LinkedIn profile with the username 'mayurapatankar' and check their current and past work experience to see if they are associated with Adapture Renewables, Inc.