Matthew Newell
Commercial Account Executive at Mimecast
The information provided does not directly match the specifics of a Matthew Newell working as a Commercial Account Executive at Mimecast, covering Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico. However, here are some details about different individuals named Matthew Newell that might help in identifying the correct person or ruling out incorrect matches:
Matt Newell at Mimecast (Lexington, MA): This individual is a Public Sector Account Executive at Mimecast, based in Lexington, Massachusetts. He is a member of EDUCAUSE, but his role and location do not match the one you are looking for.1
Matt Newell at Ludvig Svensson: This Matt Newell works as a West Coast Account Manager for Ludvig Svensson, focusing on greenhouse climate management and related areas. He is based in Charlotte, NC, and does not match the profile you are seeking.2
Matt Newell at Small Business Consulting Corporation: This Matthew Newell is a Senior Program Manager at the Small Business Consulting Corporation and a retired Colonel from the USAF. His background is in military service and program management, which does not align with the role at Mimecast.3
Given the information, it appears that the Matthew Newell you are looking for is not among the profiles listed in the sources. To find the correct individual, you may need to check his LinkedIn profile directly or contact Mimecast for more specific details. The LinkedIn username provided (matthew-newell-543102101
) would be the best way to find his exact profile and verify his role and responsibilities.