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    Matthew Gregg

    Software Developer

    There appear to be two people named Matthew Gregg, and only one is clearly associated with Synthace.

    Matthew Gregg (Software Developer):

    • While it is not explicitly stated that Matthew Gregg works at Synthace, a LinkedIn profile with the username matthew-gregg-4b2203a6 is for a Matthew Gregg who "Developed and supported custom tools and web applications for the MUSC research community using Rails, PHP and MySQL".2
    • Synthace uses technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and PHP.3
    • Synthace is a software company that provides a digital experiment platform for life science R&D.4

    Matthew Gregg (Other):

    • Another Matthew Gregg is possibly related to machine learning and the digital future of engineering.1

    It is important to note that the provided search results do not offer definitive confirmation of a "Matthew Gregg" working as a software developer at Synthace Limited. More information may be needed to confirm this.


    Oct 1 ·
    CodeGregg: Minneapolis Web Developer
    2017 Archive | Speakers - Bio-IT World Conference & Expo
    SYNTHACE LIMITED overview - Companies House - GOV.UK

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    Matthew Gregg
    Matthew Gregg, photo 1
    Matthew Gregg, photo 2
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