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Matthew Gattozzi

I create photos and videos for consumer brands who want to convert viewers into customers. Let your content do the selling.
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Matthew Gattozzi is a professional content creator who helps brands effectively market themselves through photography and videography. As the founder of Goodo Studios, he offers his expertise in content creation and management to clients, providing them with a variety of services to improve their online presence. With experience as an Audience Content Creator at Ballet Austin and as a Dance Teacher at Tarrytown Dance Ctr, he has a rich background in creative media and instruction. His passion for helping businesses create effective marketing content led to the creation of Your Content Should Sell newsletter and How to Market Your DTC Brand podcast. Through these projects, he provides weekly insights into content creation and speaks with industry leaders about growing their brands. Follow him on LinkedIn for daily content creation tips.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.