Matt P.
Senior Software Engineer
Matt P. is a technology professional with a focus on the intersection of solar power and internet of things (IoT). He studied Software Engineering at the University of Calgary and has since held various significant roles in the tech industry.
Throughout his career, Matt has been associated with several organizations where he showcased his expertise. He served as a Software Engineer at Tetra, Co-Founder at Regroup, Senior Software Engineer at CNTRAL Inc., Co-Founder & CTO at SolarAI, Software Engineer at Smartcar, and Co-Founder at SimplySolar.
His experience and background reflect a deep understanding of software engineering, IoT, and the solar energy sector, making him a valuable asset in innovative tech projects and ventures.
Jan 1 ·
Testimonials - ProMax - Bryan Research & Engineering, LLC
Jul 28 ·
Matthew Pietrucha - FDLIC
Oct 3 ·
Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth system - PMC