Marvin Slavid
Based on the available information, Marvin Slavid is an employee of Alameda County in California. He has held multiple positions within the county government:
Employment Counselor: Marvin Slavid previously worked as an Employment Counselor for Alameda County.12
Clerk II: He later transitioned to the role of Clerk II in the Social Services Agency of Alameda County.1
Current Position: As of the most recent information, Marvin Slavid is working as a clerk for Alameda County.3
It's worth noting that there are two LinkedIn profiles associated with the name Marvin Slavid:
One profile shows him as a clerk at Alameda County, located in the San Francisco Bay Area.3
Another profile is for a Marvin Slavid based in Beaverton, Oregon.4
Given the information provided in the query about the LinkedIn username "marvin-marve-slavid-5898bb", it appears this may refer to the Marvin Slavid based in Beaverton, Oregon. However, the employment details mentioned in the query align more closely with the Alameda County employee.
Without more specific information, it's difficult to determine if these profiles belong to the same person or if there are two individuals named Marvin Slavid with different career paths.