Martin Pykal
Researcher - Physical and computational chemist at Palacky University Olomouc
Martin Pykal is a research scientist with a keen interest in exploring how new materials can enhance our daily lives.
His expertise lies in project design, project management, data analysis, and interpreting data to derive meaningful insights.
He is enthusiastic about innovating with fresh ideas and approaches to solve pertinent challenges.
Martin is actively seeking job opportunities where he can leverage his skills and knowledge to advance the development and application of new materials and technologies.
His academic background includes a PhD in Physical Chemistry, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry, and a B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry, all from Palacký University of Olomouc.
He has worked as a researcher and as scientific staff at Palacký University Olomouc and has prior experience as a Study Internship participant at 포항공과대학교.