Martin Eriksson
Försäljningschef storkunder på Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk
Martin Eriksson is a sales professional currently working as the Director of Key Account Management (KAM) for the Nordic region at Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk, a company in the food industry.23
Professional Experience
Prior to his current role, Martin held the following positions:
- Försäljningschef storkunder (Sales Manager for Major Customers) at Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk2
- Other sales roles within the company
Martin has been with Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk since at least January 2023, indicating over a year of experience with the organization.2
Location and Industry
Martin Eriksson is based in Gothenburg, Sweden.3 He works in the food industry, specifically in sales and account management for a food distribution or wholesale company.
LinkedIn Profile
His LinkedIn profile can be found under the username martin-eriksson-6a78a510.2 This matches the information provided in the query.
While not directly related to the Martin Eriksson in question, it's worth noting that there is another prominent Martin Eriksson who is a product leader, investor, speaker, and author with over 25 years of experience in product management.1 However, this appears to be a different individual from the Martin Eriksson at Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk.