Marsel Bagautdinov
Chief Project Engineer – LLCSPE "VM System"
Marsel Bagautdinov is a dedicated individual who never stops at what has been accomplished.
He pursued studies in Инженер, Машины и аппараты нефтехимического производства at УГНТУ and also attended the prestigious Стерлитамакский Башкирско-Турецкий Лицей №3 (СБТЛ).
Throughout his career, Marsel has held various key positions in notable organizations:
Formerly served as Главный инженер проекта at ООО НПП "ВМ-Система".
Previously held the role of Chief Project Engineer at LLCSPE "VM System".
Worked as Ведущий инженер at ООО "Уралэнергопром".
Held positions such as Начальник участка, Начальник ПТО, and Ведущий инженер ПТО at ООО "Уралэнергопром".
Also functioned as Инженер-конструктор at ООО "Уралэнергопром" and as инженер-технолог at ООО "Геофизприбор".