Markus Rademacher
PR Manager
Markus Rademacher is a Communication Expert and Journalist based in Wangen im Allgäu, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.4 He has 657 followers and over 500 connections on LinkedIn.4
It's important to note that there are multiple individuals named Markus Rademacher with different professional backgrounds:
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College London (UCL):
A Communication Expert / Journalist:
- Based in Wangen im Allgäu, Baden-Württemberg, Germany4
- This profile matches the LinkedIn username provided in the query
Given the LinkedIn username specified in the query (markus-rademacher-94857240), the Markus Rademacher in question is most likely the Communication Expert / Journalist based in Germany, rather than the physicist at UCL.
Jan 1 ·
Markus Rademacher - Google Scholar