Marie-Gabrielle de Champeaux
Customer Success Manager chez Spendesk
Marie-Gabrielle de Champeaux is a professional with a diverse background in customer success management, business development, and relationship management. She studied at EDHEC Business School and completed a classe préparatoire ECE at Sainte Croix de Neuilly. Currently, she serves as a Customer Success Manager at Spendesk. Previously, she held roles such as Business Developer at MyTrooperS, Happiness Manager at Perús, Chargé de mission auprès du CFO at Banh Vang, and Responsable Partenaire at Le Père Noël est-il un Rocker ? Throughout her career, Marie-Gabrielle has acquired a rich skill set and valuable experience in various aspects of business operations, client engagement, and strategic partnerships.
Jun 2 ·