Marie-Christine Schindler
Online-PR & strategische Kommunikation gmbh #CorporateNewsroom #Themenmanagement #Contentstrategie #Kommunikationsmanagement #CorporateBlog #Newsletter
Marie-Christine Schindler is a highly experienced consultant and educator specializing in online PR, digital communication, and content strategy. With a master's degree in Writing and Corporate Publishing, along with various certifications and diplomas in PR and corporate communication, Marie-Christine has developed a broad skill set that supports her strategic thinking and problem-solving capabilities. Her areas of expertise include corporate blogs, newsletters, and PR in social media. She is the co-author of the best-selling book, "PR im Social Web - das Handbuch für Kommunikationsprofis" and runs her own consultancy firm, gmbh, which provides tailored training and cross-media communication strategy services. In addition to her consultancy work, Marie-Christine is a highly regarded lecturer at various universities and institutions across Switzerland, including the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, MAZ Medienausbildungszentrum Luzern, and the Schweizerisches Institut für Betriebsökonomie.