Marianne Lucieer
Freelancejournalist en -eindredacteur
Marianne Lucieer is a freelance journalist and editor (freelancejournalist en -eindredacteur) based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.1 She has a diverse educational background, including studies in Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur with a specialization in Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media from Leiden University. Lucieer has experience in various roles within the media industry, including:
- Freelancejournalist en -eindredacteur at her own company, Marianne Lucieer
- Redacteur Social Media en Online Editie NL at RTL Nederland
- Redacteur RTL Nieuws 365 (app for iPad) at RTL Nederland
- Redacteur Online RTL Nieuws at RTL Nederland
- Redacteur buitenland RTL Nieuws at RTL Nederland
She has also worked as a Radiomaker at Lokale Nieuwsdienst Amsterdam and held positions at Rabobank Amstel en Vecht and Tabula Rasa. Lucieer's diverse experience in journalism and communication demonstrates her expertise in various areas of media production and content creation.
On Twitter, her handle is @MarianneLucieer, where she shares her work and engages with current events.2 Her LinkedIn profile can be found at