Margariete Malenda
Research goals: understand impact of rock-fluid interactions on physical properties of materials.
Margariete GeorgeAlan Malenda is a doctoral student at Stanford University with a keen interest in how the physical and mechanical properties of rocks are influenced by fluid-rock interactions.
With a background in high and low-temperature geochemistry, rock-physics, geomechanics, experimental fluid dynamics, and micro-fluidics, Margariete GeorgeAlan Malenda leverages laboratory work, data analytics, publishing, and teaching experiences to enhance and expand research in these areas.
Margariete GeorgeAlan Malenda's work focuses on understanding the impact of chemistry on rock properties, contributing to advancements in the field through a multi-faceted approach that includes practical experimentation and scholarly dissemination.
For further insights into Margariete GeorgeAlan Malenda's research, publications, internships, REU experiences, and outreach activities, you can visit their personal website and Google Scholar Profile.