Marcos Santos
Sócio-fundador da Agromatic e sócio-proprietário da LVD Advogados.
Marcos Santos is a Sócio-fundador (co-founder) of Agromatic BR, a company that specializes in optimizing digital operations within the agricultural sector through a technology-driven platform. This platform facilitates the management of contracts and credit instruments related to agribusiness, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and legal security for stakeholders involved in financing, purchasing, and selling agricultural goods and inputs.13
Santos has a robust background in law, having co-founded Laure Defina Advogados, where he has been active since 2004. His educational credentials include a law degree from Unaerp and various postgraduate studies in areas such as Environmental Law, Tax Law, and Business Law.23 He is based in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, and has accumulated over 20 years of experience in the legal field, particularly focusing on agribusiness law.34
In addition to his role at Agromatic, Santos is involved with the ACE – Agriculture Collateral Experts, further emphasizing his commitment to enhancing legal frameworks within the agricultural sector.1