Maarten van Dijk
Owner, van Dijk Photography
There are multiple people named Maarten van Dijk.
One is the owner of van Dijk Photography, a photography business specializing in portraits, weddings, and landscape photography.
Another Maarten van Dijk is a Scale-up Coach at Scaleup Champion, helping scale-ups grow using the Rockefeller Habits.1 His LinkedIn profile lists several previous roles, including Manager Platform a.i. at valantic NL, Head of Growth at Decidee, and various positions at ISM eCompany.1 He received a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Erasmus School of Economics and a Master of Science in Business Information Management from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.1
Another Maarten van Dijk is the CEO of SkyNRG as of December 16, 2024.2 He was previously the Chief Development Officer and a co-founder of the company since 2009.2 SkyNRG focuses on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) solutions.2