Lydia Hodgson
Project Manager & Customer Success Specialist
Lydia Hodgson is a Customer Success Specialist at Ruby, based in Kansas City, Missouri.1 She has 635 followers on LinkedIn and her profile is associated with the username "lydia-hodgson".1 Lydia appears to be involved with Discover Praxis, which may be related to her role or professional development.1
It's worth noting that there are multiple LinkedIn profiles for individuals named Lydia Hodgson, each with different professional backgrounds:
Other Lydia Hodgsons
- An Account Manager at Allstate Benefits who describes herself as a "Hopeful Optimist" and "Servant Leader".2
- A Senior District Manager at College Works Painting, who studied at the University of Minnesota and is located in Indianapolis.3
- A former intern who recently accepted a role as a MN District Manager, likely still with College Works Painting.4
These different profiles highlight the importance of specifying the correct Lydia Hodgson when referring to the Customer Success Specialist at Ruby.