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Liran Rorlich

Director of Product, Data & Insights at WalkMe™
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Liran Rorlich is an experienced Senior Product Manager in the tech industry. He gained his educational background in French language from Alliance Tel-Aviv and Business Management and Networking Science from The Interdisciplinary Center. He's now the Director of Product, Data & Insights at WalkMe, a prominent Israeli tech company that provides software solutions to businesses. Previously, Liran held the position of Product Lead for new products at WalkMe, and has experience as a senior product manager at and Webpals group. He's also a guest lecturer at IDC Herzliya, Masa Israel Journey, and Elevation Academy, where he shares his extensive knowledge of product management with students. Alongside his work, Liran was also a Communication Skills Instructor at Debate Company and an Orientation week counselor at The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. Furthermore, Liran was the founder of Radio-IN and TriPnMeeT, where he held the position of CEO. His professional interests include Product Management, data and insights, new products, Digital Marketing, and Business Development.

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