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Who are Kunwar Walia’s most high-profile connections?
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Kunwar Walia

Design Research & Strategy
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Kunwar Walia is a design researcher, strategist, and UX designer with a diverse educational background in transportation systems, industrial and product design, and mechanical engineering. He has worked for various organizations, including GE Transportation and DENSO TEN America Limited, and has experience in sponsored studios and internships that focus on mobility solutions, sustainable container freight transportation, and immersive technologies for design. Additionally, Kunwar has experience as a teaching assistant at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, quality assurance intern at Tata Motors, and UX designer at Wipro Technologies. Overall, Kunwar's diverse background and experience make him an expert in transportation systems, design research, product design, and user experience.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.