Kristie McGhee
Product Specialist at Intuit
Based on the available information, I can provide the following details about Kristie McGhee:
Kristie McGhee is currently working as a Product Specialist at Intuit.4 She has experience in the technology industry, specifically with QuickBase products. Her full name appears to be Kristie J. Bradshaw (née McGhee), as indicated by her LinkedIn profile.2
Professional Background
Kristie is described as a motivated, award-winning QuickBase specialist with extensive product knowledge and a proven record of progressive career growth.2 Her expertise lies in client solutions and product specialization.
Current and Past Roles
- Product Specialist at Intuit (current role)4
- Client Solutions Specialist at Trinity Integrated Solutions, Inc.13
While there are some discrepancies in the information provided, it appears that Kristie has been associated with locations including:
Skills and Expertise
Kristie's professional background suggests she has strong skills in:
- QuickBase products
- Client solutions
- Product specialization
It's worth noting that the LinkedIn username provided in the query (kristie-mcghee-5292b565) seems to be associated with her profile, which is now under the name Kristie J. Bradshaw.2