Kojo Frimpong
The information provided does not match the profile of a Kojo Frimpong associated with "Pladeproduktion at Kojo Records" or the LinkedIn username "kojo-frimpong-96154b98."
The profiles mentioned in the sources are of different individuals with the name Kojo Frimpong, but none of them match the specific role or LinkedIn username you mentioned. Here are some of the profiles found:
- Kojo Frempong: Head of Corporate Affairs & External Relations at Minerals Income & Investment Fund in Ghana.1
- Kojo Frimpong: Financial Analyst at General Mills.25
- S Kojo Frimpong: Writer, poet, and creative entrepreneur in Ghana.3
- Kojo Frimpong: Student at various institutions, including Union County College and the University of St. Thomas.46
It appears the specific individual you are looking for is not listed in the provided sources. You may need to search directly on LinkedIn using the username "kojo-frimpong-96154b98" to find the correct profile.