Kimmie Rose Ruby
Intuitive Life Coach, Radio Host of InnerViews wifh Kimmie Rose and Donna Visocky
Kimmie Morgan, also known as Reverend Kimmie Rose Zapf, is a highly regarded Spiritual Intuitive, Medium and TV/Radio host. Her expertise lies in connecting with spirit and relaying messages that emphasize unity and oneness, gaining her international recognition. She hosts two popular shows, “InnerViews with Kimmie Rose & Donna Visocky" and “Straight Up Talk with Kimmie Rose and Lissa Rock," which can be heard on and WPFX 107.7FM, respectively, where she discusses mind-body-spirit issues with experts and authors, inspiring her listeners to embrace the present and discover their true purpose. Her TV show, broadcast to over 54 million homes on Telos TV, features various experts discussing topics that empower and uplift the viewer's spirits. Kimmie is on a mission to support families and those in need, having opened The Free Spirit Sanctuary in 2013. She is a certified Master Hypnotherapist through the N.A.T.H., Crystalline Consciousness Technique Practitioner, Reiki Master, and the founder of The Institute for Conscious Awareness, a licensed school of hypnotherapy. Additionally, she has created several self-help and spiritual hypnosis CDs and has authored a range of published books, including her latest book, Wake Up Your Intuition, which provides guidance to awaken intuitive abilities, live in the moment, and discover one's true purpose. Kimmie frequently appears on local TV as a guest and writes a weekly vibrational horoscope column.