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Kimberly Sollers

Principal at Baltimore City Public Schools
Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
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Kimberly Sollers is a persuasive, eloquent, and motivating public speaker with excellent writing and communication skills.

She is proficient in various computer programs such as Excel, Access, Power Point, and Word.

Her multimedia skills include iMovie and Final Cut Express.

Kimberly has honed inquiry, analysis, communication, decision-making, and leadership skills, and applies them to tackle real-world problems.

She possesses leadership and managerial capabilities essential for problem-solving, change implementation, process improvement, and demonstrating cultural competence.

Skilled at organizing complex projects, setting project priorities, and delegating tasks effectively.

She excels in monitoring the educational process to positively impact children's lives by using data-driven decision-making and collaborating with all stakeholders.

Kimberly Sollers is a member of New Leaders for New Schools and holds an Advanced Professional Certification from the Maryland State Department of Education in Elementary Education and Middle School, with ancillary credits in Reading 12 and Special Education.

She also holds Administrator I & II certifications.

She pursued a Master's of Arts in Teaching with a concentration in Teacher Readiness in Urban Education at The Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Towson University.

Currently, Kimberly serves as a Principal at Baltimore City Public Schools.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.