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What are Kevin Pereau’s favorite books?
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Kevin Pereau

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Kevin Pereau is a skilled and experienced professional with a background in the fields of technology and finance. He began his career as a software engineer at Microsoft, where he worked for over five years. During his tenure, he gained expertise in several programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++, and developed a solid understanding of the software development lifecycle.

After leaving Microsoft, Pereau switched his focus to finance, where he worked as a senior analyst at The Capital Group Companies for six years. In that role, he honed his analytical skills and worked extensively with data to inform investment decisions. He also gained expertise in financial modeling, valuation, and risk management.

Pereau's unique combination of technical and financial skills makes him a valuable asset to any organization looking to implement data-driven solutions in the financial industry. In addition to his work experience, he holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

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