Kevin Dai
3D Visual Designer
The information provided does not directly link to a person named Kevin Dai working as a Multimedia Designer at Octavate. However, here are some details about individuals named Kevin Dai found in the sources:
Kevin Dai on LinkedIn (San Jose): This profile mentions Kevin Dai as a 3D Visual Designer located in San Jose, California, but it does not specify his current or past employment at Octavate.1
Kevin Dai on Clay Earth: This profile describes Kevin Dai as having a strong educational background in Digital Media and Psychology, but it does not provide specific details about his employment at Octavate.
Kevin D. on LinkedIn (NYC): This profile is for a Kevin D. who works as a Project Manager and has a background in Interactive Media and Psychology, but it does not match the profile of a Multimedia Designer at Octavate.2
Given the information, it appears that none of these profiles directly confirm Kevin Dai as a Multimedia Designer at Octavate. To find the correct information, you may need to check the specific LinkedIn profile or contact Octavate directly.