Katarzyna Gruczka
Based on the available search results, I don't have specific information about Katarzyna Gruczka from Gdańsk, Woj. Pomorskie, Poland, or her LinkedIn profile with the username katarzyna-gruczka-1b7353b. However, I can provide some general information about professionals named Katarzyna Gruszka (which is similar to Gruczka) on LinkedIn.
There are over 60 professionals named "Katarzyna Gruszka" on LinkedIn.2 While this doesn't directly match the name Gruczka, it's possible there could be a spelling variation or error in the information provided.
One Katarzyna Gruszka profile on LinkedIn is associated with PXP Financial and appears to be involved in providing information and orientation about education, government services, social benefits, healthcare, and job searching.1
Another LinkedIn profile for a Katarzyna Gruszka is located in the United Kingdom and has 187 connections.3
It's important to note that without more specific information or direct access to the profile in question, I cannot provide details about the exact person you're inquiring about. LinkedIn profiles can vary greatly in terms of the information they contain and the professional backgrounds of the individuals.