Karsten Gianelli
Skatterådgiver at Beierholm
Karsten Gianelli is a well-rounded corporate and estate tax specialist with expertise in Danish and international corporate tax law, group taxation, group structuring, taxation of financial assets, and tax litigation.
He holds a Master of Law degree from the University of Copenhagen and has a background in High School education from Slagelse Gymnasium.
Throughout his career, Karsten has held key positions in various organizations, including Skatterådgiver at Beierholm, Senior Tax Manager at Grant Thornton Denmark, Chefkonsulent at SKAT Jura - Selskab, Aktionær og Erhverv, External Lecturer at University of Copenhagen, Senior Counsel at CORIT Advisory, Tax Director at BDO, Senior Manager at Deloitte, Advokat at Jonas Bruun, and Skattekonsulent at BDO.