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Kait Sheridan

Social Impact Consultant
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Kait Sheridan is an accomplished professional with a background in history and extensive experience in the nonprofit sector. She obtained her MA in History from Oxford University and her BA in History from Macalester College. She has held various roles in organizations including Director of Partnerships and Programs at Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at 92nd Street Y, Manager of Foundation, Corporate & Government Relations at 92nd Street Y, and Assistant Manager for Corporate Relations at The New York Botanical Garden.

Furthermore, Kait has founded her own consulting firm, Runwell Global Consulting, which provides clients with a range of services including strategic planning, partnership development, fundraising, and event planning. Prior to founding her company, she worked at the University of Oxford Annual Fund, The Cuttyhunk Historical Society, and Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota.

With a diverse background in the nonprofit sector, Kait is an expert in partnership development, government relations, and corporate social responsibility. Her skills include strategic planning, fundraising, event planning, and program development. Kait's interests include social justice, education, and the environment.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.