Julia Diaco
Stay-at-home mom, homemaker, writer, Song-writer, joint business owner, volunteer firefighter
Julia Diaco is a professional based in Rumson, New Jersey, United States.3 She has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.3 Julia describes herself as a philosopher, songwriter, ghostwriter, and volunteer.24 She expresses interest in collaborating with others who have good beats for music projects.24
In 2006, Julia Diaco gained notoriety as the "Pot Princess" when she was arrested for selling drugs out of her New York University dorm room.15 She faced up to 25 years in prison but was ultimately sentenced to 5 years of probation.1 After this incident, she attempted to pursue a career in music, adopting the stage name "J-Dia".5
Currently, Julia Diaco appears to be self-employed and continues to engage in various creative pursuits, including philosophy, songwriting, and ghostwriting.24