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Who are Jørgen Blindheim’s most high-profile connections?
Profile Image for Jørgen Blindheim

Jørgen Blindheim

Senior Designer at Behalf
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Jørgen Blindheim is a professional with a diverse background in design, interaction design, usability, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webdesign, advertising, communication, illustration, marketing, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, responsive design, mobile solutions, React, and Angular.

He has a comprehensive educational background having studied various design-related subjects at Norges Kreative Fagskole, Prosjektdesign, Elvebakken Reklame Illustrasjon og Design, and Elvebakken Medier og Kommunikasjon.

Jørgen has held positions such as Seniordesigner and utvikler at Behalf, Seniordesigner and utvikler at Netlife Design, Design and Development at ChangeAbility, Consultant at Nokia, Consultant (Design / Usability) at Open AdExchange AS, Usability and Design at Scandinavian Leadership, Interaction Designer at Symphonical, Art Director at Ethos, Pathos & Logos, Graphical designer at Varner Gruppen, Lecturer at Norges Kreative Fagskole, Web designer at Diverse freelance, and Apprentice at BB&E.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.