Josh DiMarcantonio
Executive Creative Director - Writer at Freelance + Creative
Josh DiMarcantonio is an award-winning Executive Creative Director and creative leader with over 20 years of experience in the advertising industry.7 He has crafted campaigns for global clients such as Taco Bell, Adidas, Nike, Apple, and DirecTV, among others.25 Known for his humorous, emotional, and honest approach, Josh has created branded entertainment, IP, and other innovative ideas throughout his career.2
As a globally acclaimed creative talent, Josh has received numerous accolades, including an Emmy and a Cannes Grand Prix Film award for his work as a producer.34 His expertise spans various aspects of creative direction, including copywriting and storytelling.56
Throughout his career, Josh has held significant positions in prominent agencies. He was previously a partner and Executive Creative Director at Zambezi, an agency in Los Angeles, before transitioning to freelance work in 2017.8 More recently, he has been associated with FIG as an Executive Director of Production.3
Josh's portfolio website showcases his work as an Executive Creative Director, highlighting his diverse skills and accomplishments in the advertising world.14 His approach to creativity focuses on crafting campaigns that connect deeply with audiences, emphasizing the power of storytelling in capturing customers' attention.67