Joseph McGrail
Driving revenue growth by uniting Strategy and Operations for New Customer Acquisition.
Joseph McGrail is a professional with a passion for assisting leaders in strategically growing their businesses, particularly focusing on The-Top-Mid-Funnel - Audience Targeting and Engagement.
With a background in adtech/martech, Joseph has honed a unique skill set encompassing strategic planning, operational efficiency, and hands-on sales & marketing expertise.
His expertise is sought after by CEOs, Founders, and individuals leading Sales & Marketing Operations in startups and mid-size companies.
Joseph McGrail was actively involved in Yodle's notable $342M acquisition by
He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies from the University of Delaware.
Throughout his career, Joseph held various key positions in organizations like Arganteal Corporation, Champion Sales & Marketing, Inc. (CS&M, Inc.), Punchey, Engagement Labs, Zentrick, Shareablee, Inc., eWayDirect, Yodle, Inc., PSP Sports, and International Planning Alliance, LLC in roles ranging from Advisor to Creative Director to Director of Operations and beyond.