Joseph Donald
Chef de Service de Defense et Restauration des Terres
Joseph Donald is a professional with a background in Agriculture and Soil Science, holding a Master's degree from Universidad Autonoma Chapingo/COLEGIO DE POSTGRADUADOS.
He has an extensive career in the field, having held positions in various organizations related to land defense and restoration.
Joseph Donald previously served as the CHEF SERVICE DE DEFENSE ET RESTAURATION DES TERRES at MINISTERE DE L'AGRICULGURE, DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL, showcasing his expertise and leadership in agricultural practices.
His experience includes roles such as Chef Service de Defense et Restauration des Terres (SDRT) at Ministere Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Developpement Rural (MARNDR) and Chef de Service de Defense et Restauration des Terres at Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Developpement Rural.