Jose Prieto
Program Director - Digital Transformation Telecommunications - Financial Services - Customer Experience - Agile - Keynote Speaker
The information provided does not match the profile of José Luis Prieto associated with the roles at BT as a Program Director for Digital Transformation, Head of Project Management, Strategic Planning, and Agile.
Here are the profiles of José Luis Prieto mentioned in the sources:
José Luis Prieto from Freshfields specializes in commercial dispute resolution, advising and defending companies in various legal disputes. He has academic and professional roles in law, including being an Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and a member of the Madrid Bar Association.1
José Luis Prieto mentioned in the context of Vodafone, was a Marketing & Sales Director at Vodafone Spain, but this does not align with the BT role either.2
José Luis Prieto in the context of academic research, is involved in studies related to digital transformation and education, but this does not match the BT profile either.3
To find the correct information about the José Luis Prieto working at BT, you would need to check his LinkedIn profile or other specific sources related to BT's personnel. The provided sources do not contain the relevant information.