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Who are Jorge Salas Solanilla’s most high-profile connections?
Profile Image for Jorge Salas Solanilla

Jorge Salas Solanilla

Tech Entrepreneur & Executive
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Jorge Solanilla is an accomplished business professional, with extensive experience in product operations and commercial operations. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School, where he honed his expertise in leadership and entrepreneurship. Prior to this, he studied Aerospace Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Vysoké učení technické v Brně.

Jorge has had a successful career working in a variety of industries, including aerospace engineering and ticketing. His experience includes roles as a Head of Operations and Principal, Operations at Zero 2 Infinity, an aerospace company, and as the Head of Operations Spain and the Head of Operations Ticketea Sale to Eventbrite at ticketea by Eventbrite, respectively. He also worked as an Associate at McKinsey & Company, where he provided strategic consulting services to top-tier corporations.

Currently, Jorge is the VP of Product Operations at Jobandtalent, where he oversees the development and implementation of product operations strategies. He is also a co-founder and advisor of bound4blue, an innovative startup that designs and develops sustainable propulsion systems for autonomous shipping.

With his extensive knowledge and experience in business operations, Jorge has become a sought-after expert in his field. His diverse background and expertise make him a valuable asset to any organization.

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