Jonathon Maat
Associate Sales Representative at Stryker
The information available does not provide a detailed profile of Jonathon Maat, Associate Sales Representative at Stryker, specifically from the sources given. However, here are some possible steps to find more information about him:
LinkedIn Profile: You can visit Jonathon Maat's LinkedIn profile directly using the username provided (jonathon-maat-81505ba3). This profile would likely include his professional experience, education, and any other relevant details he has chosen to share.
Company Website: Sometimes, companies list their sales representatives on their official websites or in press releases. You could check Stryker's official website for any mentions of Jonathon Maat.
Industry Events: As seen in the ASOPRS program book, representatives from Stryker, including a person named Jonathon Maat, were mentioned as attending industry events. However, this does not provide detailed personal or professional information about him.1
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, referring to his LinkedIn profile or contacting Stryker directly would be the best approach.