Jonathan Kogan
People First - No Code - Automation
Jonathan Kogan is a seasoned professional known for his expertise in building exceptional teams and delivering high-quality work punctually. With a background in scaling startups, establishing finance departments from inception, enhancing operational efficiency through technology, and aiding in company turnarounds due to financial constraints, he brings a versatile skill set in finance and operations. Jonathan's people-first philosophy emphasizes overlooked fundamentals crucial for business success - internal communication, efficient meetings, decision-making, accountability, and hiring top-tier talents. His values revolve around honesty, integrity, transparency, and kindness, while his core competencies span process improvement, financial systems implementation, effective communication, team building, and fostering a culture of integrity and collaboration. Jonathan excels in operational excellence, accounting, financial modeling, talent acquisition, strategy development, and consistently surpassing expectations both individually and organizationally. Among his few non-expertise areas are handwriting, long-distance running, reading multiple books simultaneously, and walking without AirPods.