Johnny Trefall
Webansvarlig Frydenbø Bil
Johnny Trefall is a professional working in Norway as the Webansvarlig (Web Manager) at Frydenbø Bil, a company in the automotive industry.1 He is responsible for managing the company's web presence and digital marketing efforts.
Professional Background
Johnny Trefall's current position at Frydenbø Bil involves overseeing the company's online presence and web-related activities.2 His role as Webansvarlig suggests that he is in charge of maintaining and improving the company's website, potentially handling digital marketing strategies, and ensuring a strong online presence for Frydenbø Bil.
Trefall received his education from Høgskolen i Ålesund (HiÅ), which is now part of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).13 This educational background likely provided him with the necessary skills for his current role in web management and digital marketing.
Professional Network
On LinkedIn, Johnny Trefall has established a significant professional network, with approximately 310 connections.1 This suggests that he is well-connected within his industry and actively engages with other professionals in his field.
Contact Information
For those wishing to reach out to Johnny Trefall professionally, he can be contacted through the following means:
- Phone: 94 222 868
- Email: jjt@frydenbo.no2
Johnny Trefall's LinkedIn profile (username: johnny-trefall-74a3a013) serves as a platform for showcasing his professional experience and connecting with others in the automotive and digital marketing industries.