John Woodham
Director at Woodham Brothers Ltd
John Woodham is the Director at Woodham Brothers Ltd, a transport contractor specializing in various transportation needs. He is based in Cardiff, Wales, and has been serving as a Director of the company since March 1, 2011.35
Professional Details
John David Woodham was born in September 1961 and currently resides in Wales.34 His correspondence address is listed as 16 Orchard Close, Wenvoe, Cardiff, Wales, CF5 6BW.2
Company Information
Woodham Brothers Limited is an active company registered in the UK. John Woodham serves as both a Director and a Person with Significant Control (PSC) in the company.4 The company registration number is 01688951.2
LinkedIn Profile
John Woodham's LinkedIn profile (username: john-woodham-05249a43) indicates that he has 44 connections on the platform.1 His profile is associated with Woodham Brothers Ltd, reflecting his position as Director of the company.
Additional Information
Sally Woodham is also listed as a Director and Secretary of Woodham Brothers Limited.45 The company appears to be a family-run business, given the shared surname of the directors.