John D. Furber
* Scientist * Educator * Futurist * Developing Rejuvenation Therapies * Asteroid Impact Prevention
John Furber is a renowned scientist with expertise in exploring new therapies to restore the health of aging brain, heart, and muscle cells. He studied Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology at various esteemed institutions such as UC Irvine, UC Berkeley Extension, and University of Kentucky College of Medicine. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics and Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and is committed to exploring the Systems Biology of Human Aging network. He established Legendary Pharmaceuticals and serves as its CEO, a premier research organization that works towards developing novel therapies for age-related diseases. John Furber has held various positions in well-renowned scientific institutions such as Ntercept LLC, Halcyon Molecular, Kronos Science Laboratory, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and UC Berkeley as a Visiting Scientist. He is also former Assistant Professor at Menlo College and Skyline College.