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What are some of Jesse Beyroutey’s interests or hobbies?
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Jesse Beyroutey

Managing Partner at IA Ventures
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Jesse Beyroutey is a tech enthusiast, neophile, aspiring entrepreneur, people-watcher, and film buff. He obtained a degree in B.Sc. Economics, Marketing, Operations Management and another in B.Sc. Systems Engineering from the prestigious University of Pennsylvania. Jesse furthered his education with a Master's in M.Sc. Systems Engineering from the same institution. He is currently a partner at IA Ventures, where he functions as a General Partner. Jesse enjoys writing down his thoughts, hoping to increase his mindfulness. He draws inspiration for his blog, Fare Forward, from his favorite poem, The Dry Salvages, by T.S. Eliot.

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This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.